Archive for March, 2010

hh1edits threw this awesome compilation together…the good…bad…and ugly of Arnold quotes.

Any way you slice it…it’s a piece of awesome!

Ross Out

Odds are Yes yes…and Yes.

In fact the Godzilla news is as confirmed as humanly possible and it seems that Legendary Pictures along with Warner Brothers are going to co-produce this Godzilla reboot that’ll be smashing up some major landmarks in 3-D (one would think.)

More details to come on this film which is planned for a 2012 release.

Original story Right here!

Oh ho…but that’s not all it’s not only Warner Brothers that’s rolling in cash up to their earlobes it’s Fox. And now it seems that with the windfall of Avatar comes an awakening of a franchise that many have been certain would at some point in time continue.


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The following trailer with English subtitles is for Luc Besson’s fantastic looking new film The Adventurs of Adele Blanc-Sec. It is based on A series of books by a French aunthor and looks to be a female Indiana Jones type character meets Jumanji…all win if you ask me.

My God I hope this gets a stateside release.

Ross Out.

Now this…this I like.

“I had an idea that we’d go back in time to when Marcus was first put in jail,” he said. The man who the Marcus Wright terminator is based on was a death row inmate prior to Judgment Day. “They broke Linda Hamilton out of jail in [‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’], out of the nuthouse. In this one, they’d have to go back in time and break Marcus out of jail. It’s the same kind of mirror image.”

Skynet has used time travel over and over again with the intention of changing the past to shatter the human resistance in the post-Judgment Day present. Or one could say they attempt to wipe out all avenues for humanity to undo it’s own destruction which it’s brought about to making Skynet in the first place.
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Original Story:Variety

Well I’m not sure how I missed this a few days ago, perhaps it was because I haven’t been following the plight of MGM even though I am a major fan of 007.

However it appears Lionsgate the folks who we last talked about with regard to Pacifcor/Sony and the Terminator Franchise are very interested in partnering with MGM to at the very least help get them out of debt.

Is this also an attempt to get a piece of two of the biggest film franchises of all time: Terminator and Bond…only time will tell but it certainly got my eye.

Ross Out

Original story: Airlock Alpha’s story

During filming of the climactic destruction going on at Hogwarts during the series finale and it’s massive battle between good and evil, pyrotechnics went off with surprising and unexpected intensity. Cameras were rolling when the devices meant to simulate the explosive destruction of parts of Hogwarts went off with a large flming boom much more powerful than expected. Actors were on set at the time but no one was injured, no details are available so far on how extensively the Hogwarts sets were damaged but apparently the ensuings fires raged out of control for at least some time.

The fires raged for nearly 3/4ths of an hour before everything was brought back under control and the fires were put out.

W.B. said filming was going ahead as scheduled, and none of the leads were involved with shhoting during the time of the disaster.

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Well new out of Showest is that Warner Bros is in fact going to make a fifth Final Destination Movie.

Oi Vey!

For a title I vote for Final Destination: Deathsville 5-D .

Oh me oh my I’m both worried and excited. I gave you my prior thoughts on what’s wrong with the series here.

However I’ll just reiterate a few key points here, in order for a 5th film to work they need to at least do the following:

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Thanks to Youtube mash-up artist malnek for this brilliant little send up.

Found Via Greatwhitesnark. GWS

Ross Out

Oh yeah, here comes another issue of multiple release itis.

The difference being that we KNOW in advance that they’re going to release at least two versions of Avatar on DVD/Blu-Ray.

The first you can shell out your impressive ammount of moolah on hits on Earth Day…wow who’d a thunk it huh. I am certainly not shocked. If this wasn’t a heavy handed hint for those who didn’t get the enviornmental slant of the film I don’t know what is.*

Did I mention that this is bare bones…it doesn’t even have motion menus or logos…or previews. And it certainly doesn’t have extras.

Nah we wouldn’t want to put some on a second disc we’ll just rip you puny mortals off later with the second or third releases hit.

Why do I say a possible third release…the following quote should help.

Later on, in November, a multi-disc special edition Blu-ray will be coming along. According to Fox’s statement, this will not be the eventual 3D release (and, according to inside voices, the chances of Fox getting a satisfactory 3D Avatar disc ready by then are looking quite slim).

Read more: Avatar DVD and Blu-ray Plans Officially Announced | /Film

Thanks to Slashfilm at the above link.

That’s right a third release sometime NEXT YEAR will have to do for those wanting the 3-D experience over again.

Ross Out

Just for a little fun I thought I’d respond to Killer’s list of problems…I agreed on a few.

1. lack of infantry-class Plasma guns in 2018. (14 years after)

We don’t know when in the timeline Plasma Weapons would’ve been made available to Skynet infantry. What one needs to remember is that the war hits in 2004. We and the Machines don’t do a hell of a lot until 2014 or so according to comics, and nuclear fallout studies (in reality). (Especially newer ones).

The odds are Skynet wouldstill be using them for the time being on larger units only, as we can tell they are still extremely powerful and not minaturized. This of course also doesn’t account for the fact that humans and machines are going to be constantly fighting to restrict tech growth/survival.
2. the idiotic Harleynator Motorbikes.

The Mototerminators were designed to harass and take out human transports to stop escape along paved roads. Odds are they also have speacilty ones for offroad since we know they have units specifically designed for snow (See Cold War). I’d say they and those crappy T-600’s you hate did a very good job of cleaning out L.A. And they did a good enough job of harassing the Tow Truck to enable the Transport and Harcester to catch up…and the Aerial H/K to engage and destroy it. Job well done.

3. the even more stupid Transforminator man catchers.

Designed to intimidate and snatch and load people into Transports, with the ability to take out vehicles full of humans trying to escape. I’d say they covered that quite well. It even makes a fantastic otherwordly sound like the Tripods from War of the Worlds which would put the fear in me that’s for sure. I’m sure you’d have loved those in the 2006 draft…then again you’d probably have found them boring.

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